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Forum Posts

Sav4Sav Rest connector

Hello Team,We have a requirement where , we need to launch a User Manager Campaign, so when the manger clicks on "Does not belongs to me " then an user update task should trigger.This can be achievable from Sav4Sav Rest connector.Did anyone worked on...

sk by Regular Contributor
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Analytics - Disable Dormant AD Accounts

Hi, I have copied the default Analytics Dormant Accounts - Active Directory and set up an analytics job with the below query:SELECT u.username AS 'Username', u.jobcodedesc AS 'Position Title', u.customproperty15 AS 'customproperty15', a.accounttype A...

Huddos by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Campaign Analytics issue

Hi Team,We have prepared one campaign analytics when we do a dry run then it shows expected records but when we do run now it does not show any records and also it is taking more execution time to run but In the data analyzer we can see expected reco...

Resolved! Enable Account via analytics

Hi,Iam trying to enable the account via analytics, when start date & current date have 1 day difference.Query:select u.username,a.accountkey acctKey,'enableAccount' as Default_Action_For_Analytics FROM USERS U, USER_ACCOUNTS UA, ACCOUNTS A, ENDPOINTS...

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Sekhar by New Contributor III
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account query issue campaign

Hello, I am using LASTLOGONDATE > CURDATE() - 30 in the account query for the user manager campaign to certify accounts. However, after launching the certification, it reports 0 records, even though we have existing accounts. Thanks,Deepu

Deepu by New Contributor III
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Actionable analytics - Use case

Current Scenario: We have created an actionable report with an allowed action set as "Accept" for application owners to accept the risk of the account being an orphan in Saviynt.Ask: We want to trigger the disable account task for accounts which are ...

mayankshah by New Contributor III
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Resolved! SAP Licenses in the Saviynt Database

Hi,we import accounts from SAP and those accounts will get an integer value for APPLICENSETYPE, for example 4.When we view that account in Saviynt, the text field for App License Type displays "SAP E11 Test" instead of the value 4 that is in the data...

TimoR by Regular Contributor
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Enterprise Role [Tied with Entitlement1] assigned to User but account dont have entitlement assigned

Hello Team,We have use case for Enterprise Role cleanup.Details: We need to identify enterprise role which is tied to target app entitlement assigned to user identity in Saviynt but user account don't have that entitlement assigned as well as on targ...

nkashyap by New Contributor
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Resolved! Union in analytics query

Hi Team,We are using below query to fetch account data from different entitlements and trying use union query. Its giving error.  Can anyone please check & guide what is wrong with this. select a.NAME, a.DISPLAYNAME, a.COMMENTS as 'DN', a.STATUS as '...

Sitarasmi by Regular Contributor
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Resolved! Analytics and BaselineJob

We pulled a report of the current jobs that are in Prod and we saw that they were 'Analytics_16546CRONE', 'BaselineJob_12' and 'BaselineJob_AccountImport_12343535325'. Can you please tell me what these jobs are for? and how can we tell which analytic...

Thriller by New Contributor III
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How can I add pagination to Fetch Runtime Controls Data API (/fetchControlDetailsES)?

Team - We are trying to allow an external system to fetch analytics data (Runtime and Regular) from Saviynt and we need to implement pagination within these calls because the record count is around 5K? API Regular: /ECM/api/v5/fetchControlDetailsESAP...

Connoru23 by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Assistance on Query || Reportee Access Details

Hello Team,We are working on preparing Runtime Analytics to prepare the reportee details.Query :'SELECTu.username AS 'USERNAME',m.username AS 'MANAGER USERNAME',CASE U.STATUSKEY WHEN '0' THEN 'INACTIVE' WHEN '1' THEN 'ACTIVE' END AS 'USER STATUS',acc...

Manu269 by All-Star
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Resolved! Runtime Analytics - Data Displayed Error

Hello Team,I have created below runtime analytics in our instance.Custom - Reportee Access Details ReportSELECTu.username,u.manager as USERCONTEXT,m.username AS manager_username,CASE U.STATUSKEY WHEN '0' THEN 'INACTIVE' WHEN '1' THEN 'ACTIVE' END AS ...

Manu269 by All-Star
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Resolved! Reopen errored task through analytics

Hi Team,We are trying below query to reopent the errored task in ARS through analytics. Please confirm if below query is good to taskkey as tasks, STATUS , provisioningtries, 'reopenTasks' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics' from arstask...

asharma by Regular Contributor II
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Resolved! Request Pending For Approval || Report Query

Hello Team,I have created below runtime query to fetch the request which is pending for approval based on the request ID passed as Input.We have a case where request is pending for approval and more than 1 approver name exist.Assistance Required :How...

Manu269 by All-Star
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Association between Two analytics reports

Hello everyone!I have a report called 'ABC' where the allowed action associated with it is to disable accounts after 10 weeks (which is working). Now, I want to retrieve all these disabled accounts and deprovision their roles 2 weeks after disabling....

Ghita by New Contributor
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