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Hi Team,We are triggering User manager campaign in monthly basis. In Step1 , the line manager can view the basic user attributes like first name, last name & some other custom attributes.If any changes happen to user's attributes in between, that is ...
Hi Team,We are trying to generate ticket and using REST connection. PFB code below{ "call":[{"name": "Call1","connection": "userAuth","url": "xxx","httpMethod": "POST","httpContentType": "application/json","httpHeaders": { "x-apikey": "XXX" },"respon...
Hi Team,We have SuccessFactors REST connectors configured in Saviynt. By default it imports usernames for all users with '_onb' as suffix.We want to remove this suffix from username while user creation.Please suggest.Thanks,Sitarasmi 
Hi Team,We are using below query to fetch account data from different entitlements and trying use union query. Its giving error.  Can anyone please check & guide what is wrong with this. select a.NAME, a.DISPLAYNAME, a.COMMENTS as 'DN', a.STATUS as '...
Hi Team,We are using Saviynt v 5.5 SP 3.20 version.We are storing user's division value in customproperty2. There is a requirement to generate a report on monthly basis whose custompropery2 is changed.Can anyone please guide how to achieve this.Thank...
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‎07/26/2024 08:03 AM