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Few entitlements are not visible in ARS screen Intermittently

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We are seeing an issue with requestable entitlements in ARS screen for one of the REST Endpoint [Oracle IDCS].


Users are intermittently unable to see all the entitlements on ARS screen to place a request. For example, out of 50 active entitlements on endpoint, user is able to see only 48 entitlements in ARS screen. If same user wait for couple of mins and open ARS screen again, he is able to see all the 50 entitlements. It is impacting user experience.

Existing Implementation:

We are filtering requestable entitlements based on Dynamic Attribute [tied to endpoint] selection on ARS screen. 

Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS

ev.customproperty1='${Application}' and ev.entitlement_value not in (concat('${Application}','_Approvers'))

If we execute the query in data analyser with above condition, we are able to see all the entitlements but sometimes few of them are not visible in ARS screen.


  • Share logs when you facing issue vs not facing issue.
  • does entitlement have owner?
  • does entitlement assigned to account ?
  • does entitlement filters are correct?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi Rushikesh,

  • does entitlement have owner? Yes, entitlements are having owners. But our integration will support entitlements without owners as well. We have configured "True" in Global config for "Show Entitlements Without Owner For Request"
  • does entitlement assigned to account ? No, entitlement doesn't assigned to account and there is no in-progress/pending request in saviynt for same type of entitlement.
  • does entitlement filters are correct? yes, filters are correct. It is not showing all groups intermittently. If you close the saviynt screen and open new ARS window after few mins, we are able to see all groups to place request.