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Enable Show/hide between entitlement types in a request form

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


We have a requirement as mentioned below:

Application has three entitlement types (EntType A , EntType B & EntType C). If user selects particular entitlement, EntX, from EntType A, only EntType B should be visible, while if user selects EntY from EntTypeA, both EntType B & EntType C should be visible.

What we have done is that we created a dynamic attribute and enabled the config, "Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS" against the respective entitlement Type. This dynamic attribute value exists as a metadata in all the entitlements(all EntTypes). For eg. If the user selects "ABC" in the dynamic attribute, entitlements show up in the respective EntTypes A & B but nothing in C.

It is mandatory to select the entitlements if they are visible in the ARS form based on dynamic attribute selection. If not, this should be ignored. However, system is not allowing to proceed ahead, if there is no selection made for EntType C(even if there are no entitlements shown because of dynamic attribute selection).

Hence, I would like to ask if we can enable show/hide option for entitlement based on certain selection in the dynamic attribute/previous entitlement Type.




Show and hide on entitlement type is not supported please raise idea ticket 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Bharadwaj currently it is not supported.

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @Bharadwaj If I understood your logic correctly then you can try this. First create a dynamic attribute say entA put attribute type as single select from SQL query and under value use query like this select ev.entitlement_value as id from entitlement_values ev where ev.entitlementtypekey = (put entitlement type key for A). Now lets say if X entitlement is selected then you wanted only ent type B is visible and for Y B and C both should be visible, hence go to B entitlement type and then under Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS put condition like ('${entA}' = 'X') or ('${entA}' = 'Y') and under C entitlement type under Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS put condition like ('${entA}' = 'Y') and under A entitlement type under Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS put condition like ev.entitlement_value = '${entA}'

Let me know if you have any questions or doubt on this.



How can you make conditional mandatory ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak yes, you are right on that part that we can't make that mandatory but based on the first para I tried to give a solution, so definitely it is not a complete solution but a part of it.




As mentioned in the problem statement, we have implemented similar approach and it is working. The query was on how do we make it conditially mandatory.

I appreciate your efforts in detailing out the possible solution.


You can't achieve a conditionally mandatory raise 

Rushikesh Vartak
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