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SAV Role - Restrictions to Web Service Access permissions for API Account

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


When giving permissions to a user by a SAV Role, the access is conditioned by the user's ownership of objects in Saviynt.

For example, even if a user has access to 
Home > Manage Entitlements > Update Existing Entitlements, thanks to a SAV Role, the user can only list and update entitlements that he is the owner of. 

This is however not the case for Web Service Access.
When providing a new API user the permission webservice_apii_v5_getEntitlements via a SAV Role, even if the account has no ownership of any entitlement or endpoint, he is still able to request all entitlements from all endpoints.

Is it possible to restrict access for API accounts so that they could only be allowed to request entitlements for a specific endpoint or entitlements they are an owner of ?

Thank you



Currently its not supported raise idea ticket

Rushikesh Vartak
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