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Hi, We have multiple KPI's tagged to a Book, but we are only able to see one KPI details. For reference I am adding screenshots,FYI other analytics are running fine, I have ran 3 jobs AllAnalyticsJob for ControlCenter CategoryControlCenterAnalyticsJo...
Hi,I have configured SOD for an application. I have checked all the required things which supposed to be there to make a SOD work. Whenever I am trying to raise any request it is showing "No Segregation of Duties found in request", though in the logs...
Hi,We are using ADP for user import. We have defined the pagination as this,"pagination": {"offset": {"offsetParam": "offset","batchParam": "limit","batchSize": 200,"totalCountPath": "completeResponseMap.meta.totalNumber"}},Still it is not picking up...
Hi,We have a requirement where we need to update email whenever certain attribute changes. We have created email generation logic and it is working fine for new users. We have created one user update rule which says whenever one attribute changes (ie...
I am trying to generate user name through preprocessor, the condition is like firstname.lastname, now if next user with the same first name and last name comes it should pick firstname.lastname1. Now I have given the iterations in the preprocessor. B...
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‎09/23/2024 03:30 PM