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Hello everyone,I need help with identifying an issue, i found a solution for my requirement of "assigning the CUSTOMER in users based on the ORGUNITID "i did the following:    "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA NU SET NU.customer = (select customername from curren...
Hello everyone,I’m encountering an issue with the a requirement, we have customproperty3 that is getting its value from username, but we need to check that once it is set it doesn't get updated again (CP3 is changed from UI- it should't be back to us...
Hello everyone,We need to ensure that once an identity is created, the username cannot be changed via UI or updates. To enforce this, I found that we could configure it in the Global Config as follows:and i have the following in my modify user json:"...
I'm working department name in Saviynt, The goal is to correctly populate the departmentname and displayname fields during the user import process.Implemented Logic:departmentname is mapped to d:Short~#~char.orgunitid and departmentnumber are mapped ...
i am trying to set the end date on user side but although i have it in modify user json like this:  "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA NU SET NU.enddate = CASE WHEN NU.customproperty5 = 'I' THEN CURDATE() ELSE NU.enddate END",in user import json: "enddate": "d:Exi...
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