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Forum Posts


hello,We have a requirement to implement TPAG for contractors. However they would like to use ServiceNow forms for the user creation/update/terminate instead of Saviynt/TPAG forms. Do you have any experience or recommendations on this?Thanks, 

shibinvpkvr by Regular Contributor II
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Default End date in Request Access form

Hello Team,We have a requirement to add default date as '9999-12-31' as default end date during Role and Entitlement request.Can anyone help me with the way how this can be achieved?Also I need similar thing for Roles as well so is there any config a...

Update Access End Date not visible

Hello Team,We have requirement to extend the end date of entitlements/roles for user account. We have enabled the config at endpoint level and entitlement type level. The Update Access End date option is visible where role/entitlement type is display...


Populating Role ID while requesting

Hi Team ,we have a requirement while in ARS request page for application A and selecting its entitlement , then the customprpoperty 1 from the entitlement should also be populatedby using dynamic attribute 1 we are getting list of entitlements and by...

Resolved! Account End date in Request form

Hello Team,We have a requirement to where user can add the end date to the account when requesting for new Account for an application.We know for Roles/Entitlements there is configuration available which allows to assign end date while request. Need ...

Resolved! HR Import Feed - Check Saviynt User does not exist

Hi,We have a REST HR connection which uses importuserjson to create new users in Saviynt. I believe it also updates existing users, does importuserjson allow updates also? if it does, is there a way to check if the user does not exist?Essentially, I ...

Huddos by Regular Contributor
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need help for an enhanced query

How we can rewrite below custom query to enhanced query by select (set eo.userkey=ec.userkey) in enhanced query. Update entitlement_owners eoinner join entitlement_values ev oneo.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY = ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEYinner join entitlement_ty...

Resolved! Enhanced query

Need help in executing the enhanced query in 24.4 versionupdate endpoints set ENDPOINTNAME ='testWanakanotinuse' where endpointkey= '454';Please help me 

KG by New Contributor III
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Google Rest API Add Access

Hi,I'm working on the integration between Google and Saviynt. I'm able to do the following tasks- create an account, update an account, add access, and remove access. For Add Access, I've mentioned GoogleGroup as an entitlement type but after provisi...

Mortal by Regular Contributor
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Azure AD Guest invitation (TPAG)

The TPAG training module shows an option to onboard vendor users into Saviynt via an Azure AD guest invitation URL. Per the training, this is done via technical rules. However the exact implementation step to do this was not in the video. I couldnt f...

Elastic Search Query - Join Indices

Hello Team,I am working on Data Query under Analytics. I have created two analytics report which is assigned as indices in elastic query report. There is one field from both the indices based on which I want to perform comparison and based on that th...

Rename an AD Group and OU question

Hi,Is there the ability to rename an AD group within the Saviynt portal yet. I have viewed a 2020 post that stated it was not available but would be coming in future releases. We are currently on 24.2.Also, if you add the below query to the AD connec...

Huddos by Regular Contributor
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saviynt "comments" field in createTicketJSON

Hi experts,  Need help finding the target field for feeding into createTicketJSON. Currently, ${businessJustification} is used, but it may lack context. I'd like to include any additional comments, including manager approval comments etc. added in du...

xu by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Organization Update Rule - Custom Action

Hi team, We are implementing a parent-child linkage in organization. The parent organization represents the overarching entity, while the child organizations denote specific engagements under that parent organization. Currently, we need to configure ...

gokul by Regular Contributor
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Validation of customer in createUserRequest API

Hi, We are creating identities by utilizing createUserRequest API call. However, identity is getting provisioned after approval even if we send non-existing organization in API call. Is there a way to add validation of customer existence while callin...

dvijay by New Contributor II
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Query to generate reports for users associated with particular role along with account details

Hi Team, we are using below query to find out the users associated with rolesSELECT u.username,u.DISPLAYNAME,u.DEPARTMENTNAME,,u.jobcodedesc,u.owner AS 'Manager',r.role_name AS 'Role name associated with the user',ev.entitlement_value AS 'Enti...

Yaswanth by Regular Contributor
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Filter getOrganization API JSON response

Hi,We are trying to retrieve organizations list based on orgquery filter and display as drop down in external HTML form. JSON response from {{url}}/ECM/{{path}}/getOrganization contains lot of data about each organization. However, we would like to r...

dvijay by New Contributor II
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Resolved! How to use dynamic attributes under custom query for the user creation workflow

Hi Team,We have the requirement of user creation / updation needs approval of rank1 owners. If rank1 owner only raised the request it should be auto approval, if any other rank3 owner raised the request it should go for rank1 approval.1. We have the ...

Padmavathi by Regular Contributor II
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Can we use organization and/or organization hierarchy to publish application and entitlements?

We have a requirement where certain applications and entitlements should only be available to request to certain users. (A requirement that was implemented in our legacy tool).Can we use organization hierarchy to put these users in those organization...

Kramerica by New Contributor II
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