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Hello team,We are unable to raise request to an enterprise role from EIC and directing to error page as below.Below is the error log.MissingPropertyException occurred when processing request: [POST] /ECM/roles/rolerequestfirststep|No such property:  ...
Hello Team,We have a requirement called, when T1 account gets created the primary account (w Account) should be added to AD  group. need your inputs.Thanks
Hello Team,We are looking for welcome message with preferred first name instead of first name and last name or default name. Is this doable?I can see few idea tickets are already raised by someone for the same, is this implemented in new versions? 
I have run few Analytics few days ago, but i just wanted to know which analytics i have run.No analytics are scheduled, we are running those manually when it is required. I wanted to check which analytics we have run recently.Thanks
Hello Team,I wanted to trigger a birthright rule for existing users as well, for that i have enabled the detective option in technical rule and trying to execute the detective job by using rule ID, but it is creating MT_* job and nothing is moving fo...
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‎07/22/2024 09:16 AM