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Hi All,Noticing that there were a few birthright tasks failing due to an expired access token, putting these tasks into "completed" with an error status. Is there any way to retrigger these tasks manually from the existing tasks, or do they have to b...
Hi Experts, Saviynt provisioning comments can be parsed through to a Jira ticket via the CreateTicketJSON, as below:   Comments: ${task.requestKey==null?'':task.requestKey?.comments?.replaceAll('<.*?>','').replaceAll('[\\\\x0A\\\\x0D]', ' ').replaceA...
Hi experts,  Need help finding the target field for feeding into createTicketJSON. Currently, ${businessJustification} is used, but it may lack context. I'd like to include any additional comments, including manager approval comments etc. added in du...
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‎07/30/2024 08:58 PM