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Forum Posts

Elastic Search Query - Join Indices

Hello Team,I am working on Data Query under Analytics. I have created two analytics report which is assigned as indices in elastic query report. There is one field from both the indices based on which I want to perform comparison and based on that th...

Analytics Job - Change User Status to Inactive (TPAG)

Hi,I'm working on TPAG leaver process. I created an analytics job that will disable target system ACCOUNTS (e.g AD/Servicenow) if the USERS termination date has past the current date. Is there a way to also make the user inactive in the analytics job...

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Optimization of Analytics Query

Hello Team,There is a report which is responsible for fetching the Applications, its roles, Entitlements inside roles, Child Entitlements inside roles and then its Functions.Below is the query which was developed:SELECT DISTINCT rep.ENDPOINTNAME AS '...