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Account import job is failed due to "Cannot get property 'processingType' on null object"

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I am trying to integrate a rest application with saviynt. The application has a basic authentication and it accepts only  data(username, password) only in the xml body. It doesn't have aothentoication api hence we are passing the username and password for each api. It has one api for all calls and the call method will be passed in xml.

the xml body request looks like below:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<call method="exportUsers" callerName="offline export file">
<credentials login="" password="XXXXX" instanceCode="XXXX"/>
<include groups="true"/>
<user createdDate="true"/>
<include subscriptions="false"/>
Now I have given the {} in connections json and have given the following json in importaccount json
"timeOutError": "Read timed out",
"errorPath": "error",
"maxRefreshTryCount": 5,

"authType": "Basic",

"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"showJobHistory": true,
"http": {
"url": "",
"httpParams":"{\"call\": {\"credentials\": {\"login\": \"xxxx\",\"password\": \"xxx\", \"instanceCode\":\"xxxx\"},\"method\": \"exportUsers\",\"callerName\": \"offline export file\"}}",
"httpContentType": "application/xml",
"httpMethod": "POST"
"listField": "OutputObject.SUBROOT",
"keyField": "accountID",
"colsToPropsMap": {
"accountID": "id~#~int",
"customproperty12": "login~#~char",
"displayName": "name~#~char",
"customproperty3": "email~#~char",
"pagination": {
"PageWithHttpParamsAndHeaders": {
"pageSizeParam": "pageSize",
"pageSize": 50,
"pageNumberParam": "PageIndex",
"firstPageNumber": 0,
"pageRecordCount": "objectList",
"totalCountPath": "completeResponseMap.meta.totalItems",
"paginationLocation": "httpParams"
"successResponse": [],
"successResponsePath": "",
"authError": ["InvalidAuthenticationToken","AuthenticationFailed","Must authenticate to access this API."],
"retryFailureStatusCode": [401,403]
when tried to run accounts import job it is getting failed and giving me the error "Cannot get property 'processingType' on null object" in job logs. Please help me too resolve this issue.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Shaik-Misba , connection related details are not required in importaccountentjson.

Use normal account import config.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

hey @NM. here for every request we need to pass username and password.



You have typo in processing type

"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",

Rushikesh Vartak
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