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Saviynt App in servicenow does not reflect task status in servicenow

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

I need your help in using Servicenow's Saviynt App.
I am having a problem because the ticket status of Servicenow does not update after I approved a request or completed a task in Saviynt.
(The version of the Saviynt App is 2.0.2.)

Application Flow
・Application on Servicenow side
・Approval on Saviynt side
・Task completion on Saviynt side

There seems to be a constant update on how tasks are handled (“Tasks ” at the bottom of the image).
However, the status of the ticket itself (“Open ” and“ Waiting for Approval” at the top of the image) has not changed since the request was made.
I think that is also why the status of “Requested Items” in Servicenow has not been updated.

I also wonder that nothing has been entered in the red frame of the image.

I have tried changing the settings as below, but still no solution.
・Added feature of Admin: Servicenow App to SAV role of Saviynt user used as Service Account for connection.
・Uninstalled and reinstalled Saviynt App.
・Run Job"SAVIYNT _IGA: Update Request Item History" manually. (The Job Log also has no history.)

Any advice from you on this issue?




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @JohnDoe ,


Please refer to below knowledge base article which mentions about the permissions a savrole assigned to service account used on servicenow should have.

Also similar issue was raised multiple times on forums and the responses were provided for such posts and below is one such query to which response is provided.

