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Need help creating siganture tokens

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi All , 

We have an use case where we would need to generate a special value called signature which we would need to pass in the final API call . Procedure of generating the signature will be as follows :

Step 1 : Generate a base string using basic details like application name , timestamp , type of request and URL and encoding the same 

Step 2 : Apply the HMAC SHA1 algorithm to the base string using application secret key 

Step 3 : Encode the final value .

Can anyone please tell if this is feasible in Saviynt and provide any dummy example if you have it ? 


Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

@AishaniBasu don't think so it is feasible via OOTB Operations.. you might have to write custom jar code.

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  • You can implement this using custom jar and call custom jar in Connector

Rushikesh Vartak
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