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Customize if-else clause in workflow editor

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have a specific environment and need to modify workflow accordingly. Here is the info.

1. Details

- Endpoint 'A' has two types of entitlement values - Application, Roles.

- Application type entitlement has 'Infra' or Null values in customproperty13.

- Roles type entitlement has '12' or '24' or 'N/A' value in customproperty23. Also this entitlement has mapped with Application type of entitlement by storing Application type entitlement's display name in customproperty2.

- In other words, endpoint A has many applications in it.

2. Users can request only Roles type of entitlement by ARS. Application type roles are not requestable.

3. Workflow requirements. When users request access, if below conditions are meet, go to different approval lines in workflow.

3-1) Roles type of entitlement that has '12' or '24'.

3-2) Application type of entitlement that has been mapped with above Roles type of entitlement has 'Infra' value in customproperty23.

4. Others.

The thing is that it needs to check if we can access customproperty in both entitlement types from the if-else clause of workflow editor. Or there is another way to achieve it.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Self resolved.

- (com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Entitlement_values.executeQuery("SELECT ev.entitlement_value FROM Entitlement_values ev WHERE ev.customproperty13 = 'INFRA' AND IFNULL('${entitlement.customproperty23}', 'N/A') != 'N/A' AND ev.displayname = '${entitlement.customproperty20}'").size()!=0)