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Please see attached picture for details. Every time analytics report failed on running, below mail sent out with the reason i have no idea. 1) What exactly is this for? It happens frequently. 2) Can i turn off this kind of failure emails from specifi...
Hi.I'm trying to only allow specific users to do 'Add Reviewer' function. How can I allow them to do it by granting which SAV Role? Trying to test by switching SAV roles to an end user but didn't get a useful results yet.
Hi.I have one requirement where users need to get removed from the roles by actionable analytics report.1) Enterprise Role has A, B, C entitlements.2) User 1, 2, 3 assigned to the role and also they have those 3 entitlements.3) Their entitlements got...
I'm trying to figure this out when setting instant provisioning by exploring Saviynt docs.But there is no information on this.- https://doc...
Hi.I'm trying to stay accounts in logical endpoints even though account lost all access of logical endpoint. Logical endpoint has been declared in endpoints_filter of an AD connection.Sequence would be1) sample_a account has been created in logical e...
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‎07/20/2024 01:58 PM