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Sending Emails in interval from Endpoint

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

There is a requirement to send two emails when an account is created in Active Directory :
1. First email to user with password (first part of password)

2. Second email to user's manager with password (only second part of password) after 15 minutes of the first email.

We have attached two different email templates in the endpoint, but they trigger at the same time. Is there any way to send these two emails in a gap of 15 min between them ? We cannot use analytics, because  these account creation requests would come via ServiceNow, so it has to be immediately sent to user once account is created. And then after 15 min, to the manager.


Please suggest.






Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

One approach to achieve this requirement is to use a delay action in a workflow. Here's a high-level outline of the solution:

  1. Create a workflow in Saviynt to orchestrate the account creation process.
  2. In the workflow, configure the first email notification to be sent to the user as soon as the account is created. Use the appropriate email template.
  3. Add a delay action in the workflow after the first email notification. Set the delay time to 15 minutes.
  4. Configure a second email notification to be sent to the user's manager after the delay. Use the second email template with the second part of the password.
  5. Complete the rest of the workflow as needed for any additional tasks or actions.

By adding the delay action, you can ensure that the second email is sent to the manager after the specified time gap. This way, the first email notification with the password will be sent immediately, and then the second email will be triggered 15 minutes later.

Please note that this solution requires configuring a custom workflow in Saviynt.

Sapere aude

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @itinjic, how can we configure delay in workflow if you can share any sample..

2) i believe user password is exposed only at endpoint level so can't send from workflow .

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

  • You can't hold email notification if analytics route is not acceptable 
  • Password once generate you can't re decrypt

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Is the password saved in Saviynt too ? or it is just generated and sent to AD and the user in email.

its generated and sent and stored in password column of arstasks table but you can't decrypt once sent,

Rushikesh Vartak
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