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Role Modification Workflow

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I am working on Role Modification Workflow where I want to send the approval to the role owner with rank 1 using custom query. I tried using the below query but it doesnt seems to work as the approval is routed to admin always. 

SELECT ro.userkey from role_owners ro,request_access ra where ra.accesskey = ro.rolekey and ra.requestkey = ${} and ro.rank = 1

Could someone please help me identifying what am I missing here. Also, if possible could someone please help me understand during role modification workflow, which tables are being referenced in the order they are being called from the workflow.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Pagrahari , is accesskey giving the same rolekey value can you check in data analyzer and share the record 

New Contributor
New Contributor

No accesskey is not giving the correct rolekey. I checked in data analyzer.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Pagrahari , which value does it show? does it show access key of entitlement.

New Contributor
New Contributor

Post debugging for sometime, I understood that accesskey in request_access table is not referring to the rolekey. The accesskey is also not referring to the entitlement too. If we add condition to map accesskey from request_access table to the rolekey in the roles table, the resulted role is not the desired role which is a part of the role modification request.


Try below:

select userkey from role_owners where rolekey=${REQUESTACCESSOBJ.rolekey} and rank = 1;


Devang Gandhi
If this reply answered your question, please Accept As Solution and give Kudos to help others who may have a similar problem.

This query doesnt work as the approval is routed to admin.


@Pagrahari ,

Can you try the below query:

select ro.USERKEY from role_owners ro, roles_history rh, request_access ra, ars_requests ar where ra.ACCESSKEY = rh.ROLES_HISTORYKEY and rh.ROLEKEY = ro.ROLEKEY and ar.REQUESTKEY= ra.REQUESTKEY and ar.REQUESTKEY = ${} and ro.RANK=1


If this helps your question, please consider selecting Accept As Solution and hit Kudos

Yes this worked. Thanks a lot 🙂