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User Account Correlation Rule Config

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

Could you please advice how the account correlation rule will be designed if i have the following parameters:

Accountname: JOSEFINA, 96786,NY57196  are types of accountname and cannot be modified.

Username is like: PR12345, NY12345, IL12345, CR12345, etc.

Could you please help me out on this


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi Kundan,

The Account Correlation logic requires some matching criteria between the accounts and the user identity. Is there any field coming from the target system (account) that would consistently match the user identity fields.


Please note that the Account Correlation Rule is not limited to the Account Name or the Username fields, so please check and let us know.


Kind Regards,


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Stephen, 

The usernames NY1245,PR12345,CR12345,IL12345 are reconciled from HRSS and the numbers provided above for account name like 96786 when searched in User's tab give the username as NY96786.

For the current app onboarding, we have been provided accountnames of these types = Accountname: JOSEFINA, 96786,NY57196.

We want to map these accounts to such users as explained above.

Hope it suffices your requirements.



For existing accounts you can map all accounts to users with import sheet. 

And for new account follow proper account name rule logic and store unique identifier in target such as username/email

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

Thanks for the response.

We are actually putting account and entilement files in File directory and doing a schema based import via the SFTP so the application data has different accountname combinations as discussed above.

I have figured out the solution for mapping those accounts. 



Ok so whats final working solution 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

This is what we are using as per our requirement.

(LOWER(users.username)=LOWER( or (LOWER(users.username)=LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(, 'p', 1))) or (LOWER(users.employeeid)=LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(, 'CN', 2)))

