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SOD violation email notification to SOD risk owner

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi team,

We have a requirement where we want to have analytics which list users having SOD violations. This shall send email to SOD owner to take necessary action. What binding variable we can use to send email to sod owner?





Your query should have username column which will be username of sod owner & in email template to TO use ${userEmail}

Example 3: Email to inform control owner that account password is about to expire.

You receive a single email with the details of all the accounts and the applications to which those belong.

To: ${userEmail}

CC: ${ownerEmail}

Subject: Your password is about to expire

Body:${ANALYTICSDATA.'First Name'[0]} ${ANALYTICSDATA.'Last Name'[0]},

The password for the following accounts is going to expire soon.


<tr><th>Application</th><th>Account name</th><th>Password expiry date</th></tr>

<%int count=Integer.parseint(“${ANALYTICSDATA.Application.size()}”); for(int i=0;i<count;i=i+1){%>

<tr><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.'Application'[i]}</td><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.'Account Name'[i]}</td><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.'Password Expiration Date'[i]}</td></tr><%}%>


Analytics name: ${analyticsConfig.analyticsName}

Analytics category: ${analyticsConfig.category}


Rushikesh Vartak
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The query has column username of users having violation. In this case, how to include sod owner user name as well? will alias work?


I created analytics with below query. With this, I am able to send email to sod owner but email does not have report attachment. any idea on it?

Analytics query

SELECT u.username as SODUsername,u1.username, u.departmentname as 'Department', u.title, sr.Riskcode, rk.DESCRIPTION, CASE WHEN sr.status = 1 THEN 'NEW' END AS 'SoD Risk Status' FROM sodrisks sr,risks rk,riskowners ro,Users u, users u1 where sr.riskkey = rk.riskid and sr.userkey = u.userkey and sr.riskkey=ro.riskid and ro.owneruserkey=u1.userkey and sr.status =1 group by u.username,sr.Riskcode;


Please enable

Where do you want to save your data?

Send Email As Attachment
Save Data

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.


Yes these are enabled.


In logs, it shows below. Query output has 10 records.



Please select context and is this run time or normal report

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

With context, will it send email to individual user?

I am using normal report.

I tried putting owner in the analytics but with that it sent whole report to one user from the query and other email cam without attachment.

Context - will show only particular user there own data from UI. 

For report to individual owner it should work with userName in resultset of query 


Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.