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Sending Task Completion Email for Enable Account Task With Password to Delegates

New Contributor II
New Contributor II
Hi ,
We have a use case where upon account creation, the password for the account should be sent to the user's manager and if manager is VVIP user and delegate/donotdisturbdelegate is set for the manager, it should be sent to the manager's delegate.
If the delegate is setup in the delegate list (via delegate module) then the New account email is getting triggered to the delegate. however for enable account task, the mail is still getting triggered to VVIP instead of his delegate even though the same email template is configured to trigger on the new account as well as the enable account task.

Any suggestions on how this can be achieved?

Thank you,




delegation email configuration is managed internally in product code. 

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Please notify us once the idea ticket has been created.

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Rushikesh,

As you are suggesting to post it on ideas forum, does it mean that email to delegate will not be sent in case of enable account ? Can we conclude that email delegation is not supported for emails configured on enable account task and there is no workaround available to achieve the mentioned use-case ?

Thank you,


Yes , Its not supported and you need to raise idea ticket for feature enhancement 

Rushikesh Vartak
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