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Request Option(Drop Down(Single)) of Entitlement Type - remove only previously requested access

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New Contributor


An endpoint has three entitlements ENT1, ENT2, ENT3.
ENT1 is a birthright access for all the users and assigned to all the users using technical rules
ENT2 and ENT2 are requestable.

We have a requirement, when user requests for ENT2 then user should get ENT2 and ENT1 should not be removed., now user have ENT1 and ENT2
When user requests for ENT3 then ENT3 should be assigned and only ENT2 should be removed i.e now user should have ENT1 and ENT3

We tried using Request Option(Drop Down Single), it removes all the existing access and assign only the newly requested access. It does not keep the birthright access.
Can you please share the configuration to achieve this usecase




Hi @ghrk is the below parameter under the entitlement type is turned on?

Exclude Entitlements Assigned via Rule while Request


Naveen Sakleshpur
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @ghrk , toggle the button to on for config

"Exclude Entitlements Assigned via Rule while Request".. as entitlement assigned via rule will have seperate column filled in table.



Use request option as Table instead of Drop-Down


@NM  @naveenss  FYI - Its just used for hiding 

Exclude Entitlements Assigned Via Rule While Request

Set to Yes if you want to exclude the mapped entitlement values in the request when the user selects the parent entitlement.

Set to No if you want to disable excluding the mapped entitlement

values of the parent entitlement.


Rushikesh Vartak
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @rushikeshvartak , Thanks for the info, but are you stating it is used in the case of request filter?

Request filter just used for Show and Hide and not to prevent task removal.

  • In JSON you can specify if entitlement cp1= BIRTHRIGHT then don't remove access.

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hello  @ghrk 

you can use enhanced query to ignore removal tasks related to ET1, setup trigger chain job with enhanced query job preceding WSRETRY job
