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Can Saviynt Read / Write YAML files stored in Github Repository

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Using Git hub connector or any other connector can we read/write the data stored in yaml files? If we need to build custom connector can you please share the details?

Here are the requirements.

a) Saviynt to read/write the YAML files stored in Github repositories and store them as Roles and Entitlements in Saviynt

b) Saviynt should read the content of these YAML files and build User-Role, User-Entitlement, Role-Entitlement relationship in Saviynt based on these YAML files

c) Saviynt write to the content of these YAML files based the output of Access Request System (User-Role, User-Entitlement, Role-Entitlement relationship)


Legacy IAM system was built  and it stores roles (Job Capacity)  and entitlements(Resource Authorizations) as YAML files in Github repositories.



To create a custom JAR connector for Saviynt that reads and writes YAML files stored in GitHub, follow these high-level steps:

1. Set Up the Development Environment

  • Use an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
  • Include dependencies for GitHub API access and YAML processing (e.g., OkHttp for API requests and SnakeYAML for YAML parsing).

2. Implement the Custom JAR Connector

  • Authenticate with the GitHub API using OAuth or personal access tokens.
  • Develop Methods:
    • Read YAML Files: Implement logic to fetch YAML files from a specified GitHub repository.
    • Parse YAML Content: Convert YAML data into Java objects representing Roles and Entitlements.
    • Write to YAML Files: Implement logic to update YAML files based on changes in Saviynt.

3. Saviynt Integration

  • Create methods to interface with Saviynt's API to manage Roles, Entitlements, and their relationships based on the data extracted from the YAML files.

4. Build and Package the JAR

  • Use Maven or Gradle to build the project and package it into a JAR file.

5. Deploy the JAR to Saviynt

  • Place the JAR file in the appropriate directory in the Saviynt environment.
  • Configure the connector settings in Saviynt to utilize your custom JAR.

Rushikesh Vartak
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