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Issue while handling a Role created via Role Mining

New Contributor
New Contributor

If a user is removed from a role that is created via role mining (and in this case, still on Mining status). Question: Why does saviynt create tasks to remove those accesses to the user?
One thing is for the user to be or not be assigned to a role but isn't it so that removing the user from the role should not result is the user loosing the accesses from the role?
Is this the intended behavior or an error in the logic?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Victor logically yes .. as saviynt assumes these access were assigned via role and should be removed if user is no longer part of it.

New Contributor
New Contributor

@NM Do you agree then with this implementation logic that if a user is assigned to a role to be created via rolemining, removing the user from the role afterwards for whatever reasons should result in triggering remove accesses to the user? or should I request an improvement to this logic?
In my opinion editing a mined role while under mining status should not trigger any tasks until the role is turned Active.

  • Irrespective of whether a role has been created , if role - entitlement mapping is updated, it will create revoke or add task Moreover, this is expected product behavior.
  • Technically, if role is under mining and not converted to active, then no tasks should be created. Please raise support ticket for this issue 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Victor yes .. misunderstood the statement it is an expected behaviour when role is active not in mining stage.

Cab you check the backend role table to check the status once.