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Import Job created through API is malfunctioning

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I created an access import job (ApplicationDataImportJob-Single Threaded) using the following API and JSON.


The job has been created successfully, but when I run the job it's status does not get updated. I can see in the log that it is calling Salesforce API and fetching and processing the entitlements but the status don't get updated after it's done. If I put this job as part of a trigger chain job, the trigger chain job completes successfully. I have also created account import job using the same API. Only difference other than the name is that the value for "accountsoraccess" is set to accounts. That Job runs fine. Furthermore, if I manually create an access import job using the same security system and connection, it works perfectly. I am not sure why it is not working. Requesting for help on this. This is what the job details look like. On the surface this looks fine but the status is not updated and last run date is not populated.




  • Did you compare both jobs configurations ?
  • Does configJSON guardrails added to connection configuration?

Rushikesh Vartak
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  • I have compared them from the UI and I see no difference. I have compared manually created vs API created access import jobs. I have also compared against the account import job. Other than the import type every other input parameter are same. I have tried opening API created jobs and manually saving them using same parameters and the issue doesn't improve.
  • ConfigJSON only has {"showLogs": true}

  • Did you compared from DB parameters?
  • try saving API job from UI once and validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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The tables for job details are not accessible in EIC 24.3. qrtz_triggers, qrtz_job_details, qrtz_fired_triggers tables are not available for queries from the data analyzer. How do I see what the db has stored?



New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Furthermore, Running the job created through API does not create any entry in the ecmimportjob table.

Create analytics report and validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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I have checked the result of the analytics report. The jobs created through "createTrigger" certainly contained lot less data than the ones created through UI. After much trial and error I was able to use the "/createUpdateTrigger" API to create and run the jobs successfully. These jobs contained more data than the ones created through "/createTrigger" API. Below is the json payload for "/createUpdateTrigger" API that worked for me:


Here are the job details data from the analytics report. createTrigger API notably only stored what I passed in the valueMap field.




Please share in text format and postman screenshot if possible 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

        "triggers": [{
                "valueMap": {
                    "CONNECTION": "Salesforce DEV Non Privilege",
                    "connectiontype": "SalesForce",
                    "connectionid": 241,
                    "fullorincremental": "full",
                    "accountsoraccess": "access",
                    "securitysystems": ["SS_Salesforce_DEV_Non_Privilege"]
                "triggername": "Import_Salesforce_DEV_Access_Non_Privilege",
                "group": "GRAILS_JOBS",
                "jobname": "SapImportJob",
                "jobgroup": "DATA",
                "cronexpression": "0 33 14 * * ? 2099"
