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For Inactive Users Sav roles status is still showing as Active

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

For Inactive Users Sav roles status is still showing as Active i created user update rule and added conditions 



What do you mean by role status as active?

If you want to remove the sav role when user is inactive then write corresponding business rules and once the business rules are triggered , task would be created and once the tasks are completed the sav role will be removed from the users profile.


Devang Gandhi
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Sav roles assigned to users are active for inactive users Sav roles should either be inactive or removed for users 

You need to define user update rule for termination to remove all access from Saviynt using saviynt 4 saviynt connector

Does task got triggered ?

Does account is inactive before removing access ?

If account is inactive tasks will not be created

Rushikesh Vartak
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yes the user in saviynt is inactive and tasks did not trigger. how can achieve this?

Remove the access then disable the user

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @sandeepgudipudi 

SAV roles are not expected to be removed automatically for an inactive user. It is expected behavior. If you want to remove the SAV Roles for an inactive user then you can use the SAV4SAV connector. For Sav4Sav connector, SAV roles will be treated as entitlements and will remove when remove access is provided as an action in user update rules.


Dhruv Sharma

I imported inactive users with customproperty57 with values rerun1 and statuskey as 0 and ran RunDetectiveRules still sav roles are showing as active for inactive users


@sandeepgudipudi You should set up user update rule to trigger the below action

Disable User Accounts AND Deprovision Access [ Endpoints: All, Object: AccessOnly ])

I have tested and its working

Manish Kumar
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If possible can you please attach screenshots for

Trigger Actions when : <which option to select>




Hello Sandeep,

I have  a case where contractor has to be disabled.

More details here : Update User Attribute Via REST Conenctor in Saviyn... - Saviynt Forums - 80509

I am runnin a runtime analytics which updates user CP values.

Based on this I trigger user update rule, 

Trigger when user is updated from Import

I put conditions if CPx is updated and CPx equals terminated

Action :

Disable User Accounts AND Deprovision Access [ Endpoints: All, Object: AccessOnly ])


Manish Kumar
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