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Issue checking owner status and availablity from workflow

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I have created a workflow with condition: 

(entitlement.getAllowner().size() == 0) or (com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Entitlement_values.executeQuery("Select u.statuskey as eoStatus from Users u,Entitlement_owners eo,Entitlement_values ev where AND AND'${}'").get(0).toString().contains('0'))

This is checking if owner is available or owner is inactive.

Most of the test cases are successful, however if there is active owners available and 1 inactive owner it is assinging the request to  fallaback grouo owner.

Kindly suggest


Case 1Owner available as RANK1Approval goes to rank1 ownerCorrect
Case 2Owner available as RANK2Approval goes to Rank2 Correct
Case 3No owner availableApproval goes to Fallback groupCorrect
Case 4Owner is InactiveApproval goes to Fallback groupCorrect
Case 5One owner is inactive, Active RANK1 and Rank 2 AvailableApproval goes to Fallback groupShould be assigned to active owner

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Regular Contributor
Case 1Owner available as RANK1Approval goes to rank1 ownerCorrect
Case 2Owner available as RANK2Approval goes to Rank2 Correct
Case 3No owner availableApproval goes to Fallback groupCorrect
Case 4Owner is InactiveApproval goes to Fallback groupCorrect
Case 5One owner is inactive, Active RANK1 and Rank 2 AvailableApproval goes to Fallback groupShould be assigned to active owner

You need to use custom assignment block with custom query to assign approval to active owner

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Okay, in above workflow I need to add custom assignment instead for access approval block.

and can you help me with the query

select distinct eo.userkey
from entitlement_owners eo INNER JOIN request_access ra ON ra.ACCESSKEY=eo.entitlement_valuekey INNER JOIN users u ON u.userkey=eo.userkey and u.statuskey=1
where ra.REQUESTKEY=${} 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor

@rushikeshvartak , can you help me with the document from where I can learn about transfer ownership user update rule

I don't this is related to original ask , if its not raise new thread

Rushikesh Vartak
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