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Does Saviynt Supports Multiple Assignee?

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Saviynters,

Hope you All are doing Great.

Issue -  One User  "A" receiving duplicate emails of - Access Request Approval Notification, on Access Request.

My Findings - 

1. Requested Access For User "B"  has Manager as "C" and "C" has Customproperty19 as hardcoded value of email ID of User "A".

2. In Request History , Assignee has two values comma separated i.e "A" and "C"

3. User "A" receiving two mails exact same except , one email body address A and another email body address C.

4. While checking request number in Request History it does not show Asignee values however if we open that request then at bottom it shows the same.

So I have queries i.e 

1. Does Saviynt supports multiple Assignees for one request ?

2. How do I find , from where this customproperty19 of manager is being used ?

3. Affected Applications are child applications of Active Directory and , AD SS has workflow as Add_Access_UI. So does my workflow clubbing assignees ? I dont see in workflow that custompropery19 being used.

Can you please guide on the same.

Many Thanks

Best Regards

Shraddha Rahate



You need to validate workflow based on workflow it will assigned

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Rushikesh,

Here is my workflow - 





That will be great help if you ans as per highlighted points in my post. So that will make some progress.

Many Thanks

Best Regards


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Saviynters,

Can anyone help ?

Best Regards

Shraddha Rahate

1. Does Saviynt supports multiple Assignees for one request ? - Yes

2. How do I find , from where this customproperty19 of manager is being used ? - You can check from users- other attributes tab

3. Affected Applications are child applications of Active Directory and , AD SS has workflow as Add_Access_UI. So does my workflow clubbing assignees ? I dont see in workflow that custompropery19 being used. - Workflow will not be used on child application/Entitlement

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

What is the solution to stop duplicate emails ?

  • Is it same email or email with different values ?
  • How frequent is email job scheduled ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Same Email.

Frequency is , whenever request is getting submitted and moving to assignee .

Kindly check my original post again wherein I have given an example.

Thanks for your time.

Best Regards



  • job will have frequency . Email history job schedule: every 15 minutes, you should not receive duplicate emails 

Rushikesh Vartak
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