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Email Template Extra Space Issue

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Everyone,

We are conducting certifications and sending out emails during this process. We have observed that for some users, there is an extra space being placed between in "Click here for more information." string shown in the screenshot below. This is intermittent, not all users are seeing this space. The same email template is being used for all users across this certification campaign. It also does not appear to be a email client rendering issue since the same space is being seen on mobile, the web version of outlook, and the desktop outlook app.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?, if so please provide your suggestions to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance...



Anitha Mavurapu



@AMavurapu : Please share the screenshot as it is missing in original description and also pls share the email template

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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

FYI - Please find below screenshots.

Example with correct formatting:


Example with incorrect formatting:  



Anitha Mavurapu

[This post has been edited by a Moderator to remove sensitive information.]

This must be issue with client - Web vs outlook and you need to adjust your html code.

You can view html code using viewer to validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

The client has confirmed that this is intermittent, not all users are seeing this space. The same email template is being used for all users across this certification campaign. It also does not appear to be a email client rendering issue since the same space is being seen on mobile, the web version of outlook, and the desktop outlook app.


Anitha Mavurapu

You need to fix html code



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Rushikesh Vartak
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