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Dynamic attributes in Register user form

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Hello Team, We have an issue post upgrade to v24.3 , where in create user form all the html tags are appearing 

For ex: location<small title= please mention the location><i class="icon -info-sign"></i></small>

How to resolve this 



Hi @sk ,

Sounds like a bug.

Can you share the screenshot? is this happening for all dynamic attribute (DA) configured or only for specific DA? If specific DA, please share what has been configured inside DA?


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @PremMahadikar ,

This is happening for the DA's where this icon is present . When the curser s placed on that i icon the text will be "please mention the location"

But when we open the DA , we have specified the text in Attribute label, but after upgrade it was disappeared and shown in html in user request form








@sk ,

I replicated the same, couldn't find anything.

Seems like a bug. Please raise a freshdesk ticket.

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html scripts are not allowed in attribute labels 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak / @PremMahadikar 

We want to configure the form as below where when the user clicks on that icon it will display a statement. Could you please help me with the configuration, how we can achieve this



Did you tried description field under dynamic attributes 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak 

Yes we have tried in description field but no luck

It used to be supported in past. Please update gsp

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor

Thanks @rushikeshvartak 

We also observed one more issue, where we are trying to change the font in attribute label as bold and italic


It is throwing an error and the single select box is disabling when we change the font to bold or italics 





Please advise


@sk I tried adding Bold as we ll as Italics and it works for me without issue.

Tested the same in v23.10, v23.11

Manish Kumar
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 @Manu269 In previous version it worked fine but now after upgrade we are observeing this issue . currently we are in v24.3

It seems your text is exceeding 255 characters 

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak  We tried by giving a simple text still  single select box is disabling

@sk ,

Its working for me in 24.1 without any error popup.


From the above initial the request, I think the html error (disappearing text in attribute label from previous versions to new version after upgrade) is due to a bug or something.

Did you try deleting the dynamic attribute and re-create it? 

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Regular Contributor

@PremMahadikar Yes tried by re-creating the DA but still getting the same error

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@PremMahadikar / @Manu269  It is working fine if the attribute type is string only having issue if the attribute type is Single Select from SQL Query

looks like defect please raise support ticket

Rushikesh Vartak
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@sk ,

You are right. Configuring a text/description in 'Attribute label' with BOLD or Italic is causing the issue of not displaying drop down for single select query. A pop up with an error message is displayed "Operation not allowed...."

This is a defect because it works for other attribute types.

Witnessed the same in 23.10 and 24.1.

Please raise a defect in freshdesk.


Validated in 23.11 and 23.10

A pop up with an error message is displayed "Operation not allowed...."

I suggest you lock an Support incident.


Manish Kumar
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