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discontinueTask API issue

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have a requirement to discontinue pending tasks if the ticket for those is rejected in servicedesk system. We are using integration platform to call discontinueTask API Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud API Reference v24.7 (

The example call 

    "taskkeytodiscontinue": [
            "taskid": "29725",
            "discontinueassociatedtask": "true",
            "comments": "Cannot be provisioned."

Expected behavior is that above call would discontinue tasks related to taskid 29725 using the parenttask property.

Currently it seems that all of the tasks in the same request are discontinued. From the logs I can see the query:

2024-10-15T09:35:43.712+00:00,"ecm","services.WorkflowService","http-nio-8080-exec-91-kq76m","DEBUG","Qry for ArsTask to be discontinued- select arsTasks from ArsTasks arsTasks where arsTasks.requestKey=857 and arsTasks.status<> 3 and arsTasks.status<> 4 and arsTasks.endpoint=22 and arsTasks.ownerType=2 and arsTasks.ownerkey=1 and arsTasks.accountName='xyz1000644' and arsTasks.users=905"

There is no reference to parenttask, only requestkey seems to be used to identify which tasks should be discontinued.

What is the actual expected behavior since the documentation doesn't tell how those tasks are associated?



Rushikesh Vartak
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I don't understand what you mean by "use latest package".

The API reference is only the documentation / postman collection and it contains same information for discontinueTask API call than the earlier versions.

The actual API used is in EIC and v24.7 is the latest we have. No option to try anything newer.

  • Latest package have fixed many issues

Rushikesh Vartak
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Latest package of what? That discontinueTask API is in the EIC platform not in some postman collection.

Please share postman screenshot and curl command [Refer ]

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Rushikesh Vartak
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Example call is already in the first post... please check that... here also for reference. But the issue is not the call but the functionality what happens inside EIC and which tasks are discontinued. How those tasks are associated are those by parenttask relation or by requestkey. That information is missing from documentation.

curl --location -g '{{url}}/ECM/{{path}}/discontinueTask' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"taskkeytodiscontinue": [
"taskid": "29725",
"comments": "Some demo comment",
"discontinueassociatedtask": "true"

  • Please confirm requirement 
    • Task 2 is having parent as Task 1  - & you are discontinuing Task 2
      • Expected Discontinue Task 1 & Task 2
  • Task 22 is having parent as Task 11 & Task 12 - & you are discontinuing Task 12
    • Expected to discontinue task task 12 only

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

We discontinued task 29725 with the call above and task 29727 also got discontinued even though the parenttask column was empty. Expected behaviour is that only task 29725 should have been discontinued.


29725 1857IDN-795999
29727 1857IDN-795999