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ADSI-add group owner to provisioning Json

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We are attempting to implement AD Group Management in Saviynt using ADSI Connector.

To achieve this, we are creating Groups through the Manage Roles> Create ADSI Groups interface.

Additionally, we aim to import existing entitlement owners thereby, we require a Sample connection to incorporate the group owner into the provisioning Json, 


  • Connection Type: ADSI(ADSI)
  • GroupImportMapping:

"importGroupHierarchy": "true",
"entitlementTypeName": "memberOf",
"performGroupAccountLinking": "true",
"groupObjectClass": "(objectclass=group)",
"mapping": "memberHash:member_char,customProperty1:samaccounttype_char,customProperty2:instancetype_char,customProperty3:usncreated_char,customProperty4:grouptype_char,customProperty5:dscorepropagationdata_char,customProperty12:dn_char,customProperty13:cn_char,lastscandate:whencreated_date,customProperty15:managedby_char,entitlement_glossary:description_char,description:description_char,displayname:name_char,customProperty9:name_char,customProperty10:objectcategory_char,customProperty11:samaccounttype_char,entitlement_value:distinguishedname_char,entitlementid:objectguid_binary,customProperty14:objectclass_char,updatedate:whenchanged_date,customProperty17:distinguishedname_char,RECONCILATION_FIELD:entitlementid",
"entitlementOwnerAttribute": "managedby",
"tableFieldAttribute": "COMMENTS"

  • CreateGroupJSON:

"objects": [
"objectClasses": [
"baseDn": "${role.customproperty24}",
"attributes": {
"cn": "${role?.customproperty26}",
"name": "${role?.displayname}",
"description": "${role?.description}",
"displayName": "${role?.displayname}",
"groupType": "-2147483640",
"managedBy" : "${user?.customproperty11}",


  • You need to use enhanced query and update role custom property for managed By
  • Use actionable analytics to call update Entitlement call

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi, how can this be accomplished; can you provide an example?

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

This will pull the owner's info from the entitlement level.

"managedBy": "${ownerAccountListMap.get(allOwnerList.get(0)?.userkey.username)!=null && ownerAccountListMap.get(allOwnerList.get(0)?.userkey.username).size()>0?ownerAccountListMap.get(allOwnerList.get(0)?.userkey.username).get(0)?.name:null}"

 Actionable analytics to call update Entitlement Owner:

Map Entitlement Owner

When Map Entitlement Owner is configured as an allowed action, it maps owner(s) to entitlements in EIC.

The Analytics query must have the columns given below:
entvaluekey - Stores entitlement key of the entitlement to which the owner needs to be added.

Sample query:

select e.endpointname AS APPLICATION, et.ENTITLEMENTNAME as 'ENTITLEMENT TYPE', ev.entitlement_value AS 'ENTITLEMENT NAME', ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY AS 'entvaluekey' from entitlement_values ev, entitlement_owners eo, endpoints e, entitlement_types et where ev.ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY= et.ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY and et.ENDPOINTKEY = e.ENDPOINTKEY and ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY not in (Select distinct ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY from entitlement_owners);

For more information about viewing mapped entotlement owners, see Sample Actions in Reports in Creating Actionable Analytic Reports.

Note: The default action via query is not available and these actions have to be performed manually.

Best Regards,
Sam Talluri
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