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Access Request Expiry Email Template

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi team,

We have created email templates for access request processes and wanted to test the access request expiry email template. 

I have checked the global config to configure access request expiry duration which is in number of days.
Do we have any option where i can configure this in minutes and validate the request expiry and the template?

Also I have another issue with binding variable related to requestor.
Unable to read the requestor's email address with ${} whereas we are able to read the requestor's first name and last name with ${requestor.firstname} and ${requestor.lastname}.

${} is currently giving me requestor's manager email address.
Could you please let me know why this is happening? or if i have to use any other binding variable to get the requestor's email address?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Abhishek_K you can't specify request minutes

Was the request submitted by the manager?

Does the requestor have same email as manager.. could be discrepancy in dev environment.

  • You can't set expiry notification in minutes but you can change requestdate and duedate in ars_requests table using enhanced query to expire request earlier
  • Since you are on 24.7 there was issue with email templates ( please raise support ticket get patch on 24.7.2) 
  • To validate exposed variables use below 
    • Please validate supported variables.

      Purpose :

      To get what variables are present to use in the email template.

      Email Template steps :

      keep Advanced HTML CSS flag is checked

      Keep your email Address in TO

      TO /CC/BCC & Subject - Don't use any dynamic variables

      Add only below code in Email Body
      ${this.binding.variables.each {RVkey,RVvalue -> println "$RVkey ------- $RVvalue" + "" + "br" + ">"}}

      Output : using the below expression. By putting it in the email body, it will print all variable names with values, and then accordingly, you can use it:

Rushikesh Vartak
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