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How to setup parent-child entitlement selection in access form

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hello team,

we are struggling with setting up access request form for application that has 2 levels of permissions with parent-child relationship. Any help would be appreciated, we are using version 5.5. SP3.

In the access form user first needs to select one or more available roles (approver, reviewer, admin etc).  Some of these roles (not all of them) also have 2nd level of sub-permissions that need to be requested. For example when user selects approver or reviewer role, they also need to request area codes to which role permissions will be granted. Parent/child structure of entitlements is something like this:




- Area Approver 1

- Area Approver 2

- Area Approver n


- Area Reviewer 1

- Area Reviewer 2

- Area Reviewer n

We have setup 3 different entitlement types - Roles (admin, approver, reviewer,..), ApproverAreas (Area Approver 1...n), ReviewerAreas (Area Reviewer 1..n) requestable as tables. We also imported parent-child relationship where Roles are at the top, top Reviewer role is parent to all entitlements of type ReviewerAreas and role Approver is parent to all ApproverAreas entitlements. Now the question is, how should the access form be setup? In one table we have Roles. When user selects Admin role in the form, nothing else is required and request can be submitted. But when user selects Reviewer role, user must select at least one entitlement from ReviewerAreas type table. How can this be achieved? Is this even possible? Thank you.



You can use entitlementMap feature under entitlement with filter as true


add Area Approver 1.. n under Admin


Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor
New Contributor

Thank you, sir. That did the trick. I wish they had these features better documented.