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Config for Requestable Entitlement in ARS - Query with dynamic attribute not working

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New Contributor

Hi Team,


We have a requirement to list the entitlements in request form based on the selection of dynamic attribute. To do this, Config for Requestable Entitlement for entitlementType is configured with below value.

ev.customproperty31 ='${AccType}' and ev.status=1     -----> Not working


AccType - it a dynamic attribute of Enum type. it has 2 values(Administrator,IA)

We have updated the entitlements CP31 with mentioned values. 

With above configurations. its not listing/displaying the entitlements in the request form. but we hard cord the value it is working.

ev.customproperty31 = 'Administrator'    ---> This is Working

Please suggest, how we can achieve this.



Balaji Epari

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