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Workday Connector Attribute Mapping for User

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello All

We are using Workday connector (Workday connector Type) to run user import and get identities into Saviynt..

We are getting all the attribute values correctly, except the following 4, the values for the following 4 are coming as a array:

EmployeeType, Department, Company, CP13 (Cost center)

Here are the values that are coming into Saviynt for the above 4 attributes:

{"wd:ID":[{"wd:type":"WID","content":"fb11f7069c080102a5210101a8589e12"},{"wd:type":"Organization_Reference_ID","content":704},{"wd:type":"Custom_Organization_Reference_ID","content":704}],"wd:Descriptor":"704 HR"}
Company - CP12 
{"wd:ID":[{"wd:type":"WID","content":"1824203999dc013e654a3ba9a32e9257"},{"wd:type":"Organization_Reference_ID","content":"ES Corp"},{"wd:type":"Company_Reference_ID","content":"ES Corp"}],"wd:Descriptor":"Exact Sciences Corporation"}
Cost Center - CP13
{"wd:ID":[{"wd:type":"WID","content":"1824203999dc011de1702bada32ef157"},{"wd:type":"Organization_Reference_ID","content":10001704},{"wd:type":"Cost_Center_Reference_ID","content":10001704}],"wd:Descriptor":"10001704 HR"}


Here is our user import mapping:

  "ImportType": "RAAS",
  "ImportMapping": {
"EMPLOYEEID": "wd:Employee_ID~#~string",
"USERNAME": "wd:User_Name~#~string",
"DISPLAYNAME": "wd:Full_Name~#~string",
"PREFERREDFIRSTNAME": "wd:Preferred_First_Name~#~string",
"FIRSTNAME": "wd:First_Name~#~string",
"LASTNAME": "wd:Last_Name~#~string",
"STARTDATE": "wd:Start_Date~#~string",
"TITLE": "wd:Job_Data.wd:Business_Title~#~string",
"EMAIL": "wd:Primary_Work_Email~#~string",
"CUSTOMPROPERTY1": "wd:User_Name~#~string",
"STATUSKEY": "wd:SAV_Identity_Status~#~string",
"DEPARTMENTNAME": "wd:Department~#~string",
"CUSTOMPROPERTY12": "wd:Job_Data.wd:Company~#~string",
"EMPLOYEETYPE": "wd:Employee_Type~#~string",
"CUSTOMPROPERTY6": "wd:Is_Manager~#~string",
"CUSTOMPROPERTY11": "wd:Worker_Status~#~string",
"CUSTOMPROPERTY13": "wd:Cost_Center~#~string",
    "CUSTOMPROPERTY14": "wd:workdayID~#~string",
"OWNER": "wd:Managers_User_Name~#~string"
Any tweaks we have to make to these 4 attributes mapping in the user import mapping JSON so that we get the correct value and not the array value.
When I make the Postman REST API call for the user report, these 4 attributes names are coming as Instance, Instance1, Instance2 and Instance4.
Attached is the Workday User report template (changed the format of the report from .xlxs to .xls for uploading) for your reference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. EmployeeType: Change "EMPLOYEETYPE": "wd:Employee_Type~#~string" to "EMPLOYEETYPE": "wd:Employee_Type.wd:Descriptor~#~string".

  2. Department: Change "DEPARTMENTNAME": "wd:Department~#~string" to "DEPARTMENTNAME": "wd:Department.wd:Descriptor~#~string".

  3. Company - CP12: Change "CUSTOMPROPERTY12": "wd:Job_Data.wd:Company~#~string" to "CUSTOMPROPERTY12": "wd:Job_Data.wd:Company.wd:Descriptor~#~string".

  4. Cost Center - CP13: Change "CUSTOMPROPERTY13": "wd:Cost_Center~#~string" to "CUSTOMPROPERTY13": "wd:Cost_Center.wd:Descriptor~#~string".

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thanks a lot Rushikesh. The changed worked. We need to document this in the connector guide. Would be very helpful for all other clients.