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What is the name of notation/syntax used by Saviynt to parse XML in SOAP connector?

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Saviynt's SOAP connector doesn't use XPATH to parse XMLs, instead it uses a format like this:


What is this notation called? It is similar to xpath with some changes like it is using "." instead of "/" but it is not xpath.

Is this some standard notation / syntax? How can I learn more about this notation?

Does Saviynt convert the XMLs to JSONs internally and then parse them? What library does it use for this conversion?


Basically I want to learn this notation so I can parse any arbitrary paths but I don't know the name of this notation so dont know where to start.

Literally any information would be helpful. 



The notation you're referring to, used by Saviynt's SOAP connector, resembles a variant of JSONPath adapted for XML, sometimes called XPath-like JSONPath or JSONPath for XML. This notation is not a widely recognized standard like XPath, but it is used in certain tools and contexts to provide a more JSON-like syntax for XML parsing.

Here's a breakdown of its characteristics:

  1. Dot Notation: Instead of using the typical XPath slash (/) to separate levels in the hierarchy, it uses dots (.), similar to JSONPath.
  2. Attribute Handling: Attributes in the XML are accessed using a notation like (@attribute=='value'), which is somewhat similar to the way XPath handles predicates but with JSONPath-like syntax.
  3. Contextual Elements: This notation can navigate through elements and attributes in a way that mimics the structure of JSON rather than XML.
  4. To learn more about this notation, you can start by understanding the basics of both XPath and JSONPath:

    1. XPath: Get familiar with XPath expressions and how they navigate XML documents. Resources like W3Schools' XPath Tutorial can be helpful.
    2. JSONPath: Learn how JSONPath queries JSON structures. Websites like offer interactive tools and documentation.

Rushikesh Vartak
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