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Apple App Store Connect issues

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New Contributor

Hi All,

We are trying to onboard the application, Apple App Store Connect into Saviynt. While testing the API in postman, we are not able to get the expected result and every time we are getting the unauthorized access error.

As per the Apple API documentation, the token can be generated in three steps.

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a way to securely transmit information. The App Store Connect API requires JWTs to authorize each API request. You create the token, and sign it with the private key you downloaded from App Store Connect.

To generate a signed JWT:

  1. Create the JWT header.

  2. Create the JWT payload.

  3. Sign the JWT.

Include the signed JWT in the authorization header of each App Store Connect API request.


We were able to generate the JWT header and bearer token. After that we were not able to get the JWT Payload.

Please let me know if you come across such integration earlier.



You need to fix Postman issue first with help of app team

Rushikesh Vartak
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