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User attribute update error

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Use case: HRMS won't have the user's contact number, so after importing the user from HRMS, we need to update the phone number through another trusted endpoint.

Is it possible to update a user attribute(CP) from non HRMS apps?

Is there any better way to do this?


NOTE: We are using REST API-based Application.




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_learner ,


Can you please provide more details on what the external application you're trying to import the phone number from. If you have the user reference (username,empid etc) for HRMS users in that application for phone number, then you can configure your REST import json and keep the reconciliation field to the user reference and do the user import. 

May be you can keep the HR import and REST import for phone number in a trigger chain as this would update the phone number right after HR import is done without any delays.




Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Currently our tenant is not working properly due to bugs in the latest update. So I cant test this. I'm asking in general is it possible or not. 


ex: HRMS is AD which don't have user phone number, another app is ServiceNow. Now if I import  users from servicenow where username will match with AD, will it update that user attribute, or creates new user. also do i have to mention reconciliation field in job for this to happen?