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updating attributes in users table

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Team,

We were using customquery to update few attributes in user table as it is deprecated. We were trying to find work around. So help me to find easier and efficient ways to do so for below queries:

To update date in CP:

update users u set u.customproperty43 = DATE_FORMAT(enddate, '%b %d, %Y %H:%i') where employeetype = 'guest' and statuskey = 1

To update FN,LN, displayname from differnt endpoint:

update users u, accounts a, user_accounts ua, endpoints e set u.displayname = a.displayname, u.firstname = a.customproperty5, u.lastname = a.customproperty11 where u.employeetype = 'Guest' and u.userkey = ua.userkey and ua.accountkey = a.accountkey and e.endpointname = 'XXX' and a.endpointkey = e.endpointkey

To update manager:
UPDATE users u, users m SET u.manager = m.userkey WHERE u.employeetype = 'guest' and u.owner is not null and

Can we update all this one go in SAV4SAV rest connector? Which would be best way in modifyuserjson or updateuserjson or via analytics?

Thank you,





Use sav4sav connector 

Refer Saviynt API Documentation

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi @rushikeshvartak 

Thank you for replying yes I have used sav4sav connector. But to update manager I am having issue.It isnt  updating the manager field instead it is updating owner. This what I had used:

select u.username,DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, '%b %d, %Y %H:%i') as testend, a.displayname as Azdisp,a.customproperty5 as Azfn,a.customproperty11 as Azln, m.userkey as Manage from users u,users m,accounts a, user_accounts ua, endpoints e where u.employeetype = 'guest' and u.statuskey = 1 and u.userkey = ua.userkey and ua.accountkey = a.accountkey and e.endpointname = 'XXX' and a.endpointkey = e.endpointkey and u.owner is not null.

Thank you,





Can you explain how this query is used ?

  1. Report created
  2. calling report in sav4sav ?
  3. What are attributes mapped in sav4sav ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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