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Update User Form || Non Modifiable attributes not displayed in email


Hello Team,

We are working on create user form and update user form.

As a part of user creation we have close to 10 attributes which is required to be captured from requestor.

We also have 2 level approval configured as part of the same.

We are also triggering email templates for approval and request submission.

We are able to successfully capture all the variable during creation in our email templates.

Whereas during update out of these 10 attributes only 6 are editable. Most of the attributes are either text or single select drop-down


Issue :

1. We see that only the values which are updated from the form are visible or printed in email templates whereas other values are showing blank.

Can someone guide how can we get these other values populated inspite of not updated or only to show the attributes updated in email templates?

2. We have to display different logo based on 1 user attribute which is captured while onboarding a user via form.

Can someone guide how can we show 2 different logo based on this attributes?


Please assist.

Manish Kumar
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@Manu269  check after update values available in data anlayzer ? and observer it email template ?

think so after email template trigger, your data is updating in table

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Ho @Raghu 

We need these attributes need to be sent as part of notifications.

Also if not all attributes atleast the modified attribute.

Also which table you are referring here?

Manish Kumar
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Request_access_attrs table.

  • If attributes are not modified then it wont come on request form/email notification
  • Logo where ? If application logo then it will static and single and can't be conditional on application list

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak we are talking about logo which is there in Email template placed as part of src url.

Also as informed by you, 

  • If attributes are not modified then it wont come on request form/email notification

Can you let me know what should be the best details to be incorporated in email.

Manish Kumar
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use if else condition


<%if (requestid == 'AutoGenerated') print "<img class="logo" src="" width="100%" ; height="150" class="rowLight container"> " else print "<img class="logo" src="" width="100%" ; height="150" class="rowLight container">" %>



Other attributes can't be added in email . You can create custom report and send another email

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak  we have an user attribute on the form which is being selected while creation and non editable on update. Also this is single select.

Now with that value only we need to render logo.

Is that possible?

Manish Kumar
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Since its not getting stored its not possible

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak can you help in providing list of attributes (good practice) that must be shown as part of user creation in email?

Manish Kumar
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  • First Name: User's given name.
  • Last Name: User's family name or surname.
  • Username: If different from email, used for login purposes.
  • Department/Division: Organizational unit to which the user belongs.
  • Manager/Supervisor: Name or ID of the user's direct supervisor.
  • Location/Office: Physical or virtual location where the user operates.
  • Job Title: User's designation or role within the organization.
  • Employee ID: Unique identifier within the organization (optional but often used).
  • Start Date: Date when the user officially joined the organization.


Rushikesh Vartak
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