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User Activity

Hi Team,Scenario : when we onboard the users we are passing some values in create user form example : phonenumber, phonenumber value can we create a some task or assign to any birthright app account ? Please some one assistant me ?  
Hi Team,We have requirement based on Dynamic attribute value we have approval's ,I done manager->if else-> if else ->Custom assigment (User Group)Now workflow going manager , after going based on DA usergroup  approval but New account task not creati...
Hi Team, We have issue in production , 1000+ users got effected in production , we need update exiting vendormanager value to secondarymanager, please can you suggest how we can procced?Note :1.UI Secondarymanager it will accept Username but backed t...
Hi Team,We need to generate password in email tempalte , need to send creation of user via new account task completion, below varibles using but not working tried below no luck${randompassword}, ${password}, ${account_password},${task?.password}https...
Hi Team,We need to update Users table title update via API callCan you suggest how we can implement Connection and Userupdate Json, how we can pass token or user and password for api connection.Sav4SavREST ConnectionUserUpdateJson:{"actions": {"Updat...