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Trigger notifications for Task with error status

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


I'd like to set up notifications for tasks whose provisioning has fallen into error.

So I've created an analytics with a query that retrieves tasks with an error status, which can be programmed to send a notification every day.

But the aim would be to send notifications only when there is at least one provisioning task in error.

Is there a way of triggering the notification to be sent only if there is at least one task in error, otherwise no notification will be sent?

Thank you


Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

Hi @afauquem ,

This is achieved using analytics itself.

If there are results based on analytic SQL query, then it would generate an email with an attachment of the result.

If the query runs with zero records, the email won’t be sent.

Make sure you add more filters in the SQL query to ignore past errored tasks which was already notified.

If this analytics is programmed to fetch all errored task, then create a new one which would run frequently and fetches the records of that time interval. 

If this helps, please consider selecting Accept As Solution and hit Kudos

  • Currently product does not have functionality to send error task notification on real time.
  • workaround still remains analytics report with scheduled notification to respective team.
  • I have already raised enhancement request for same. Please upvote idea ticket 


  • rushikeshvartak_0-1718251913817.png


Rushikesh Vartak
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