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SOAP Connection: Create Account using two calls and first call response variable

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Is it possible to make two calls in a create account soap connection with the second call referencing a variable from the first call?

What I am looking to do is the following:

Call 1:

                        <key name="reference" op="equal" value="02438"/>
Call 1 Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- EXAMPLE Server Version 7.1 -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="test">
        <processRequestsAsDOMResponse xmlns="test">
                        <Session.loginRs status="success" sessionID="emptiedinfo" expiredPassword="emptiedinfo" fullName="test" roleBasedSecurity="test" entityID="test" userID="test" partyID="0" consumerID="0" />
                        <OnlineData.listEntitiesRs status="success">
                            <Entities count="1">
                                <Entity id="17171" name="test" reference="02438" primaryContact="N/A" address="test" address2="" city="test" state="TEST" zip="test" country="test" phoneNumber="test" phoneExt="" entityTypeID="" entityTypeName="test" allowLogin="0" hasUsers="1" hasChildren="0">
                                    <Roles count="1">
                                        <Role name="test" description="test test" inUse="False"></Role>
                        <Session.closeRs status="success"/>
Call 2:
<OnlineData.addEntityUserRq entityID="${call1.result.server.responses.OnlineData.listEntitiesRs.Entities.Entity id}" userName="test" fullName=test test" password="" email=""></OnlineData.addEntityUserRq>
The data I am hoping to have the variable display is: 17171
I haven't found this functionality. I know it exists in a rest connection but is it possible to do it within a SOAP connection?