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Setup Delegates not end dating/expiring on termination/inactivation of parent or delegate user

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Saviynt is not considering the status of users on putting work items (Approvals and certifications) on delegates queue. 

THough inactive users will not be allowed to login to Saviynt. As further to have consistency in the delegates table, we need to have delegates entry expiring (end dating).


As an immediate solution we are using below customquery to immediately end date the delegates where parent or delegate user status is inactive.


update delegates set enddate=SYSDATE() where userkey in (select u.userkey from delegates d left join users u on d.userkey = u.userkey where u.statuskey=0 and d.enddate > sysdate() UNION select u.userkey from delegates d left join users u on d.delegateuserkey = u.userkey where u.statuskey=0 and d.enddate > sysdate())


Please confirm the use of this solution.



Jaydeep Mehta


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New Contributor

@Saviynt please confirm if below is acceptable solution

Execute Extension Query Job (once a day)

Update delegates set enddate=SYSDATE(), updatedate=SYSDATE(), updateuser=1 where delegatekey in (
select * from(
(select delegatekey from delegates d left join users u on d.userkey = u.userkey where u.statuskey=0 and d.enddate > sysdate()
UNION select delegatekey from delegates d left join users u on d.delegateuserkey = u.userkey where u.statuskey=0 and d.enddate > sysdate()) ) )

If Saviynt accepted as defect and workaround is working then you can use query.


Please submit idea ticket for same


Rushikesh Vartak
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