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Sav2sav issue

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


I have userimport rule written in sav2sav connection which is :


<dataMapping> <before-import>
<sql-query description="This is the Source DB Query" uniquecolumnsascommaseparated="username">
u.username AS 'username',
concat(u.SYSTEMUSERNAME,'') as 'UPN',
REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(u.EMAIL,"@",1),'_',' ') as 'CN',
(case when u.enddate is null OR u.enddate >= date(now()) then '1' else '0' end) as 'ActiveStatus',
(case when ((u.startdate BETWEEN date(now()) AND (date(now()) + INTERVAL 5 DAY)) and if(u.enddate is not null,u.enddate >= date(now()),1) and u.SYSTEMUSERNAME is not null and u.EMAIL is not null) then 'true' else 'false' end) as 'CreateADAccount',
(case when (u.enddate = date(now()) + 15) and (u.SYSTEMUSERNAME is not null and u.EMAIL is not null and u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%') then 'true' else 'false' end) AS "contractenddate",
(case when ((select distinct m.username from users m where m.manager=u.userkey limit 1) is not null) then 'Yes' else 'No' end) AS "Ismanager",
(case when (u.customproperty3 is not null) then 'Active' else 'Pending' end) AS "DarwinboxStatus",
(case when (u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 = k.customproperty4) then k.username when (u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 NOT LIKE '%@%') then '100372' when (u.employeetype not like '%ThirdParty%' and u.manager IS NULL) then '101125' else u.manager end) AS 'MyManager'

users u,
users k

WHERE u.username IS NOT NULL AND u.username NOT IN


</sql-query> <importsettings> <zeroDayProvisioning>true</zeroDayProvisioning> <userNotInFileAction>NOACTION</userNotInFileAction> <checkRules>true</checkRules> <buildUserMap>true</buildUserMap> <userReconcillationField>username</userReconcillationField> </importsettings> <mapper description="This is the mapping field for SAviynt Field name" defaultrole="ROLE_SAV_ENDUSER">
<mapfield saviyntproperty="username" sourceproperty="username" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="statuskey" sourceproperty="ActiveStatus" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty12" sourceproperty="CreateADAccount" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty4" sourceproperty="UPN" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty2" sourceproperty="CN" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty43" sourceproperty="Ismanager" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty42" sourceproperty="DarwinboxStatus" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="customproperty51" sourceproperty="contractenddate" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="manager" sourceproperty="MyManager" type="character"></mapfield>
</mapper> <after-import description="SQL"> </after-import> </dataMapping>


It works fine if i use single username in where condition.....Like:

WHERE u.username IS NOT NULL AND u.username IN ('100218') AND u.username NOT IN


but if i use it without "AND u.username IN ('100218')" Sav2Sav job hangs (sometime takes a long time to finish). Even after finishing:

1) it doesn't do anything to any user.

2) it creates problem in data analyzer

Hence, i had to restart service from UI.

Am i doing anything wrong in sav2sav. If there is a problem in sav2sav, why it works for single user and doesn't work for entire user polulation.




You have missing join condition what is common between users table k & u should be joined in where condition

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Hello Rushikesh,

I am using users k in in following line. I have no idea on join here (how to use). Can you please help in it? or Can you suggest any other way to achieve following condition.

Also it works fine if i use single user.

(case when (u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 = k.customproperty4) then k.username when (u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 NOT LIKE '%@%') then '100372' when (u.employeetype not like '%ThirdParty%' and u.manager IS NULL) then '101125' else u.manager end) AS 'MyManager'

users u,
users k

Not sure what is cp4 & cp5 holds & some numbers are hardcoded

try below query

u.username AS 'username',
concat(u.SYSTEMUSERNAME,'') as 'UPN',
REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(u.EMAIL,"@",1),'_',' ') as 'CN',
(case when u.enddate is null OR u.enddate >= date(now()) then '1' else '0' end) as 'ActiveStatus',
(case when ((u.startdate BETWEEN date(now()) AND (date(now()) + INTERVAL 5 DAY)) and if(u.enddate is not null,u.enddate >= date(now()),1) and u.SYSTEMUSERNAME is not null and u.EMAIL is not null) then 'true' else 'false' end) as 'CreateADAccount',
(case when (u.enddate = date(now()) + 15) and (u.SYSTEMUSERNAME is not null and u.EMAIL is not null and u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%') then 'true' else 'false' end) AS "contractenddate",
(case when ((select distinct m.username from users m where m.manager=u.userkey limit 1) is not null) then 'Yes' else 'No' end) AS "Ismanager",
(case when (u.customproperty3 is not null) then 'Active' else 'Pending' end) AS "DarwinboxStatus",
(case when (select k.username from users k where u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 = k.customproperty4) is not null then 

(select k.username from users k where u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 = k.customproperty4)
when (u.employeetype like '%ThirdParty%' and u.customproperty5 NOT LIKE '%@%') then '100372' when (u.employeetype not like '%ThirdParty%' and u.manager IS NULL) then '101125' else u.manager end) AS 'MyManager'

users u

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Thank you, buddy. That helped