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REST Authentication using Certificate-APIKey

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi Everyone 

We are performing  POC for a REST connector Application called 'Finastra CMS'
As per the REST API documentation shared with us (attached) , we are required to have x.509 certificate and private key for authentication and client team has asked that this certificate needs to be generated at Saviynt.
We are required to pass two headers for authentication
1. Date header :  should be of below format 

example : Mon, 29 Jul 2024 13:18:00 GMT

2. Authorization header:
Format : misyscmsx APIKey:SignedDate
Example: misyscmsx 9PySk7GD4AsCLd2e:WBHlNwyeJfsImBalSneLAMyBKWbXMAfqWuyn
          > misyscmsx: CMS API authorization schema
          >  APIKey: API key will be available from x.509 certificate uploaded at target.
          > SignedDate: This is base-64 converted value of the Signed date header being passed.

Before converting date header to base-64 format, it needs to be signed with the private key of the certificate.
Any pointers/thoughts/inputs on how the header can be signed using private key of the certificate will be of great help if anyone has integrated this/similar application on to Saviynt.

Thanks and Regards,
Madan J Y


Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @Madan_JY , SSL certificate is supported.


misyscmsx is not supported authentication type

Rushikesh Vartak
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