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Request ID null for Auto approval workflow

New Contributor
New Contributor
Hi, We are using  Auto Approval workflow for removing access. We are using endpoint level notifications and we have notification (Remove Access Notification to ITSM), Task type is Remove Access and Email Action - Task Create. Tasks are getting created and also we can see Request ID in pending task but we are not getting Request ID  in the email notification. We are getting null value for this. We are using this code for Request ID in the email template: ${task?.requestKey?.processinstanceid;}. We tried using ${reqid} and ${requestid} variables which did not work. When we use managerApprovalworkflow we get correct request ID for same code. 
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it possible to replace the 'null' value with 'Auto Approved'? We have Saviynt v23.2. 






Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Try below in email template and print all bindings available in the email template. Use the one for request id.


${this.binding.variables.each {k,v -> println "$k = $v" + "<" + "br" + ">"}}



Hi nimitdave,

I tried using the correct variable for request id but still getting null value.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Please can you share the content of email with above expression.

Also is the same variable giving correct value in case of create account and add access. Please check that too.


Share variables used in email template. Also confirm on which task type and action email template is attached 

Rushikesh Vartak
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