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remove user account correlation, make all accounts orphan

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We created a new AD endpoint, for user account correlation rule we used user company attribute to match with customproperty attribute on the account which caused lot of incorrect mappings.

(users.username) = OR (users.companyname) = accounts.CUSTOMPROPERTY27

We tried removing the user account correlation rule, ran account imports but accounts are still correlated to incorrect users

Is it possible to make all accounts orphan and then update user account correlation rule, later run account import jobs or any other options to resolve this issue?

Thank You.



@rajsannidhi : There is no straightforward way to do this. We have option to override the correlation as part of import using csv but no option to uncorrelate the user. Since you are in 5.5.x version. Only way I can think of is using custom query job update user_accounts table and make user key as null for such accounts

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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@Saathvik Thank you for the details, yes I tried account upload selecting "YES for Overwrite User Assigned" as below, with blank user owner. It didn't work, tried 'Update & Add' also for operation column

Account Nameowner userendpointoperation
ABCD XYZupdate
XYZS XYZupdate
I tried below custom query, but its not working, am I missing anything ?


Update saviyntaws.user_accounts ua
join saviyntaws.accounts a on ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
join saviyntaws.endpoints ep on a.endpointkey = ep.endpointkey
set ua.userkey='null'
where ep.endpointkey IN ('11')
and a.accountkey IN ('1564')

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@Saathvik joined users table, this also didn't work 

Update saviyntaws.user_accounts ua
join saviyntaws.users u on ua.userkey = u.userkey
join saviyntaws.accounts a on ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
join saviyntaws.endpoints ep on a.endpointkey = ep.endpointkey
set ua.userkey=null
where ep.endpointkey IN ('63')
and a.accountkey IN ('172811')