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Need help with Approval workflow

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We are trying to create a workflow where we need to reject the access request if someone request privileged entitlement on a non-privileged account, but I am not able to load the workflow after approving. Error in the logs shows as following: -'

2024-09-07T02:33:03.881+00:00 ecm null-ztkfc xml validation error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'reminder'. One of '{":on "":timer "":transition}' is expected. [line=59 column=36 ]: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 59; columnNumber: 36; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'reminder'. One of '{"":on "":timer "":transition}' is expected."
2024-09-07T02:33:03.881+00:00 ecm null-ztkfc xml validation error: cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'reminder' must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty. [line=63 column=20 ]: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 63; columnNumber: 20; cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'reminder' must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty.


XML for Workflow as follows:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<process key="Rajinder_Test_Priviliged_Rejection"
name="Rajinder_Test_Priviliged_Rejection" xmlns="">
<start name="Start">
<transition to="foreachAccessRequest"/>
<foreach in="#{RequestAccessKeys}" name="foreachAccessRequest" var="requestaccesskey">
<transition to="check requesttype is Add Access"/>
<decision name="check requesttype is Add Access">
<transition to="check for Admin account">
<condition expr="#{(ars_requests.requesttype == 1) eq true }"/>
<transition to="null">
<condition expr="#{(ars_requests.requesttype == 1) ne true }"/>
<decision name="check for Admin account">
<transition to="check For Privileged Ent">
<condition expr="#{(accounts.privileged == 'Y') eq true }"/>
<transition to="null">
<condition expr="#{(accounts.privileged == 'Y') ne true }"/>
<decision name="check For Privileged Ent">
<transition to="Manager">
<condition expr="#{(entitlement_values.customproperty10 == 'Y') eq true }"/>
<transition to="ARS_AUTO_REJECTION No Manager Available to Approve">
<condition expr="#{(entitlement_values.customproperty10 == 'Y') ne true }"/>
<task name="Manager">
<assignment-handler class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.managerAssignmentHandler">
<field name="removeitemcf">
<string value="false"/>
<field name="mitigatingControlRisk">
<string value="[]"/>
<transition name="Approved By Manager" to="null"/>
<transition name="Rejected By Manager" to="null"/>
<on event="start">
<event-listener class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.JBPMTaskEventListner">
<field name="msg">
<string value="02.10.01.manager_notification"/>
<on event="end">
<event-listener class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.JBPMTaskEventListner">
<field name="msg">
<string value="null"/>
<reminder duedate="3 days">
<task name="ARS_AUTO_REJECTION No Manager Available to Approve">
<assignment-handler class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.ArsCustomAssignmentHandler">
<field name="fieldname">
<string value="UserGroup___ARS_AUTO_REJECTIONS___Any Owner Approval Required"/>
<field name="mitigatingControlRisk">
<string value="[]"/>
name="Approved By ARS_AUTO_REJECTION No Manager Available to Approve" to="null"/>
name="Rejected By ARS_AUTO_REJECTION No Manager Available to Approve" to="null"/>
<on event="start">
<event-listener class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.JBPMTaskEventListner">
<field name="msg">
<string value="1_Priviliged_Access_Rejection"/>
<on event="end">
<event-listener class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.JBPMTaskEventListner">
<field name="msg">
<string value="null"/>
<join multiplicity="#{quorum}" name="All Approvals Complete Check">
<transition to="End Request"/>
<java class="com.saviynt.workflowmgt.endrequest"
method="arsendrequest" name="End Request">
<object expr="#{reqid}"/>
<transition to="endRequest"/>
<end name="endRequest"/>








Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @rajsin , add grant, reject and end block and link it.

Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

You can try this below workflow. 

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 11.48.33 PM.png

You can add the custom blocks later on.

Best Regards,
Sam Talluri
If you find this a helpful response, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

  • All nodes should be point to some action except escalation node
  • every workflow should have start / end block , grant and rejected access block
  • add missing node mapping and blocks

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Thanks, i was able to activate the workflow and load it but get stuck with next issue.

We are saving priviliged value "Y" for entitlement value (Entitlement_Values.CustomProperty10.Default.label
Elevated Privilege) but looks like Entitlement_Values table is not accepted in workflow as request is not getting generated if the condition is true in workflow. Getting the following error:-

"javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Cannot resolve identifier 'Entitlement_Values'. 

Can you please suggest what i can use for priviliged entitlement value?

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Please ignore my previous request, workflow is working with entitlement.customproperty10 as suggested earlier. Thanks all.